Catalytic Oxidiser > 클린에어 시스템

클린에어 시스템

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Thermal exhaust air treatment | Catalytic Oxidiser



Catalytic incinerators have the advantage of a low oxidation temperature and can be operated economically up to an exhaust air volume flow of 15,000 Nm³/h.


Catalytic incinerators for the cleaning of industrial exhaust air at low combustion chamber temperature. The catalysts are individually matched to the requirements. With the use of highly efficient plate heat exchangers, autothermic unit operation is possible even at low solvent concentrations.


Areas of application

Flexographic or gravure printing

Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

All kinds of painting and coating plants

For further information about catalytic oxidisers, please click here:

Catalytic Oxidiser


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서울시 강서구 양천로 738, 705호(염창동, 한강G트리타워) 주식회사 지원에어텍 대표이사 김 충 회
사업자등록번호:617-87-00702 대표번호:02-2655-2199 팩스번호:02-2655-2198 회사메일
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