Leak Test Device Type LT-D > 특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

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Accessory and Miscellaneous | Leak Test Device Type LT-D


In order to guarantee the performance of components and systems in nuclear facilities, laboratories etc. during operation Krantz manufactures a portable leak testing device.




The portable leak testing device type LTD is for testing of the permissible leakage air flow e. g. according to DIN 25 496 “HVAC components in nuclear facilities” or KTA 3601 “HVAC systems in nuclear power plants” for:

The tight seat of filter elements

The tight seat of damper blades

The tightness of housings


in a measuring range from 0.01 to 1.5 l / min up to a theoretical test pressure of 5,000 Pa. The measuring devices integrated in the housing will be calibrated before assembly.




The leakage air flow is determined following the constant pressure method, which means the housing or the test groove of the seal resp. is filled with air until the predetermined test pressure is reached. The feed in air flow which is necessary to keep the test pressure constant is equivalent to the leakage air flow.

Two measuring ranges are available: For small leakage air flow: 0.01 0.15 l / min (test range I)

For higher leakage air flow: 0.15 1.5 l / min (test range II)

The feed in to reach the predetermined test pressure as well as holding the test pressure constant is done by means of a hand pump.

Enclosed to each portable seal testing device: Manual

Certificates of calibration of the measuring devices

Hand pump

Connecting hose with 4 mm inner diameter and coupling nipples on both sides.

Fast acting coupling


서울시 강서구 양천로 738, 705호(염창동, 한강G트리타워) 주식회사 지원에어텍 대표이사 김 충 회
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