Vortex Air Flow Measurement > 특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

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Accessory and Miscellaneous | Vortex Air Flow Measurement


If a parameter is important you should measure it directly.




This ensures that the control is based on a closed loop. Typical true flow feedback air flow measurement applications are:

Fan tracking

Lab pressurization control

Isolation room pressure control

Outdoor air quantity monitoring

Volumetric air flow control




Theory of Vortex shedding air flow measurement:

Bluff body is a trapezoidal shaped strut

A tube aligns air flow across bluff body

Pressure pulses at sides of bluff body are sensed

Multiple sensors across duct are averaged


Advantages of Vortex shedding air flow measurement:

Primary signal directly proportional to velocity (1 to 1 relationship)

Does not require compensation for temperature, density and humidity changes

Linear primary signal

True velocity averaging

Not affected by dust/dirt

Self cleaning

Recalibration not required



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