Mobile Filter Systems > 특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

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HEPA Filter Systems | Mobile Filter Systems


Mobile HEPA filter systems, manufactured by Krantz, combine pre-filter and HEPA filter stages with a fan and the control as well. They will be delivered ready-to-use and will be utilized temporarily i.e. when the operational HVAC system is under maintenance.




Air intake and outlet block

Robust filter housing

Gastight circular dampers (raw gas and clean gas side)

Fan block

Silencer block

Device control



서울시 강서구 양천로 738, 705호(염창동, 한강G트리타워) 주식회사 지원에어텍 대표이사 김 충 회
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