Carbon Cartridges CFS > 특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

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Adsorption Filter Systems | Carbon Cartridges CFS


Krantz cartridge filter system is designed for effective gas-phase removal of medium concentrations of molecular contamination in fresh air and recirculation air handling systems. This concerns mainly volatile organic components (VOC’s), but also sour gases and ammonia.




Krantz cartridge filter system consists of multiple individual canisters in metal execution, assembled into a holding frame to fit standard dimension filter sections in air handling units. Krantz cartridge filters come factory ready for installation. No special tools are needed to replace a canister. The individual canister seals and holds in the frame due to its unique seal and bayonet-style clamping mechanism.




Sturdy construction

Ease of use

Standard dimensions

Frame manufactured from stainless steel or galvanized steel

Both with impregnated or non-impregnated carbon



서울시 강서구 양천로 738, 705호(염창동, 한강G트리타워) 주식회사 지원에어텍 대표이사 김 충 회
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