Sorption Filter Element Type WFZ > 특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

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Adsorption Filter Systems | Sorption Filter Element Type WFZ


For the separation of airborne particles, aerosols and olfactory pestering material in the nuclear industry, research, industry and so on, Krantz delivers a sorption filter cell for changing.



For this type only the filter material and the sealing will be changed, while the housing could be further used. The using of this type instead of disposal filter cells, reduces

the waste considerably. You do something for pollution control.


The filter element could be filled with any kind of sorption material. The choice of the right sorption material is the precondition for attainment of high separation efficiency.





The dimensions of the filter cell are 610 mm x 610 mm x 292 mm

Large inflow area

Surrounding sealing

Handles for easy use



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