Pressure Surge Damper Type RK-F10 > 특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

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Krantz Dampers | Pressure Surge Damper Type RK-F10


In case of a requirement that single duct legs or wall openings has to be open in normal operation and to be closed in a pressure wave (produced by chemical reactions, gas-explosions or mechanical damages at pressure vessels) resp. a pressure increasing situation, Krantz recommend to use of their pressure surge damper, type RK-F10.




According to the closing pressure an initial tension will be adjusted at an installed spring system. This initial tension ensures an open position of the damper regarding wind blasts and variation of pressure inside the duct system. In open position and case of installation outside of outer walls the damper also fulfils the functions of a rain protection grille.




The pressure wave can reach in about 100 milliseconds a positive pressure of approx. 0.45 bar and their duration will take about 1 s.

Pressure surge damper of sturdy design, dimensioned for shock waves up to 0.5 bar. The function remains unreduced after a shock wave.

The pressure surge damper requires no accessory energy.

Damper housing with connection frame on both sides.

Built-in inclined blades with axis and bearings.

Damper rods on both sides with spring tensioning appliance.

Housing, blades and damper rods made of special steel 1.4571.



서울시 강서구 양천로 738, 705호(염창동, 한강G트리타워) 주식회사 지원에어텍 대표이사 김 충 회
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