HEPA Filter Elements H13 and H14 > 특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

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Accessory and Miscellaneous | HEPA Filter Elements H13 and H14



Krantz HEPA-filter elements are classified H13 or H14 resp., acc. DIN EN 1822. They are designed to handle higher airflow than the corresponding filter elements of other companies.

The increase airflow capacity of the Krantz filter elements is the result of swallow crimp separators that have a lower profile (shorter height), this permits more pleats and, as a result, more media.




For new installations fewer filter elements are required, the result is that less space is required for the new installation place

For installations which are already equipped: Lower resistance, lower energy cost, and substantially longer life

Tapered separators provides a high retention capacity


Result of the high retention capacity, the lifetime of the filter elements extends

Factory testing for each filter element your assurance that it meets the rated efficiency

Easy installation



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